

  Welcome to my December blog Day 30,  Last day of the year, and I’m super grateful. Grateful for life. Grateful for my salvation. Grateful for my family. Grateful for business. Grateful for friends — Grateful for everything. It is by no means a small feat to be here. Honestly, truthfully, I’m blank, lol; I don’t know what to type or how to put it — please permit me to type as it comes.  It's the last day of my 30 days of writing challenge. For everyone that took the time to read my hocus-pocus in the last 30 days, my sincere gratitude. I do appreciate you all.  Writing consistently for 30 days has improved my writing skill; there was a day I particularly felt like quitting, but after deep reflection, I told myself, “nahhhhh , we are seeing this to the end.” I’m happy I didn’t quit.  I have so much to write about, maybe mid-year, I’ll have to do a seven days blog, but for now, you can always catch me on medium . I look forward to 2023; I know it will be an exciting year. I have wr

New year better me

  Welcome to my December blog Day 29, “Leave behind the idea that you need to be a "new you" in the New Year. There's so much pressure to become a different version of yourself every year. Allow yourself to change and grow without the pressure to reinvent yourself.” I saw this post on my Instagram, and I thought of sharing it with you. Rather than the ‘new year new me’ mantra, why not ‘new year better me?’ Ask yourself these: -Who am I? -Who do I want to be? -Who do I need to be? Reflect deeply on these questions, work on whatever your answers are, and watch yourself grow!  I’ve told you to always “question yourself.” If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡

It's not late to start

Welcome to my December blog Day 28, Precisely 22nd of December last year, I wrote new seed. I talked about trying something new and different this year, and I also promised 30 days of writing. The goal was to write for 30 days in January, but due to my busy schedule, I couldn’t. February, March, April, May, June — I didn’t write shiiii. Mid-year, it was heavy on me to fulfill my promise, but by then, I was already feeling lazy.  In between, I still write articles on medium and do other essential things, but I know I’m neglecting one of my primary goals for 2022 — write for 30 days.  July, August, September, October, and November — I still didn’t write shit. On December 1, a friend read my article ( Out of sight — out of mind ) and told me that article was written for her. It sparked me up, and I was like here we go, Kenko, let’s do our 30 days of writing this December. It’s day 28th today; I feel great doing this. My goal for January is what I’m fulfilling in December.  Here’s what

Don't run it alone

  Welcome to my December blog Day 27, Yesterday, I talked about setting goals and building systems to achieve them. Today, I want to go further by saying do not run it alone.  I was at church as early as 8:00 AM yesterday for church general cleaning; I was the first person to arrive. I started the work till others joined. At first, I was pumped up — doing the cleaning alone, but at a point I got tired. Because I was pretty tired, someone came to bail me out by requesting I take a break. After a few minutes, my energy was up again, I continued. We were all making turns till we got all the tasks solved.  Sometimes I want to sit, but because I see others working, I can't.  Hello, Come 2023, there are some tasks you can't achieve alone, find a like-minded and run it together. When you’re tired, they give you reasons never to give up. They’re constantly reminding you what needs to be done. They’re driving you toward your goals. You’re checking up on each other to be sure you’re on t

Build systems

  Welcome to my December blog Day 26, A lot has been written about 2023; virtually everyone wants to have a better year. 2023, I want to do this; 2023, I want to achieve that; 2023, I'll get this; 2023, I must be in this position — Great! Aspiring is good; it's good to have visions for next year. Moreover, you need to build a system. Your goals and aspirations are what you need to achieve. Building a system is the how. Here's what I'm trying to say: I was with one of my kid sisters yesterday, and I watched her talk passionately about her business dreams for 2023. After listening, I knew she had a great vision, but the How was missing . Can I further explain using one of my 2023 goals? Goal (what): to read a minimum of 24 books. System (how): A year has 12 months. To read 24 books, I must finish two books in a month — one book in two weeks.  If in two weeks I can't finish a book, I must double it up the following week to meet up the task. Hello,  If your goal is t

There’s something in you

  Welcome to my December blog Day 25, There’s something in you. I met a long-time friend on my way back from church yesterday. She was so happy to see me after a long while; after a few minutes of mushiness, she asked: I do read your blog Kenny; how do you come about it? How do you get the ideas? I smiled, and my response was, “I don’t know,” and for a fact, I don’t know. I just write about anything that comes to my head, whether it makes sense or not. I write. Unlike other skills, I so much enjoy writing. Writing is inherent for me — and I’ll forever share my ideas, experience, and life lessons through the pen. This blog is not to brag about my writing skills but to remind you that there’s something you’re inherently good at. Someone could wake you in the middle of the night, and you have no problem solving that problem cause you’re good at it. What are you good at? What are you doing about it? Do you even know what you’re good at?  Any skill? What you have is enough to fulfill your d

Preparation meets opportunity

  Welcome to my December blog Day 24, Excerpt from today's Sunday school. The Pentecost Explosion. The day of Pentecost is a unique one; this was because it was a day chosen by God to come down and dwell with his people. ( Act 2:1-12) When they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in diverse tongues, some were mocking, saying they were filled with new wine. Peter saw this as an opportunity. He came out boldly, lifted his voice, and addressed them. He maximized the chance to preach the gospel and win souls to Christ.  I'm optimistic; Peter never in any way thought he would be witnessing the gospel to thousands of souls that day. But I'll tell you for sure he has been preparing.  His prayer life, Personal devotion, and Study of Scripture was maximized when the opportunity came. Whatever your goals for 2023 are — Prepare. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous new year in advance! If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡 PS: If you read