
 Welcome to my December blog

Day 30, 

Last day of the year, and I’m super grateful.

Grateful for life. Grateful for my salvation. Grateful for my family. Grateful for business. Grateful for friends — Grateful for everything. It is by no means a small feat to be here.

Honestly, truthfully, I’m blank, lol; I don’t know what to type or how to put it — please permit me to type as it comes. 

It's the last day of my 30 days of writing challenge.

For everyone that took the time to read my hocus-pocus in the last 30 days, my sincere gratitude. I do appreciate you all. 

Writing consistently for 30 days has improved my writing skill; there was a day I particularly felt like quitting, but after deep reflection, I told myself, “nahhhhh, we are seeing this to the end.” I’m happy I didn’t quit. 

I have so much to write about, maybe mid-year, I’ll have to do a seven days blog, but for now, you can always catch me on medium.

I look forward to 2023; I know it will be an exciting year. I have written goals, and I’m currently building a system to help me achieve them. It’ll be a busy year; I’ll be going deeper into my skills and exploring...

I plan on going out often, meeting new people, and taking photos. Next year will be my last year being single —  It’s a promise. This time next year, I’ll be in a sweet relationship. I don’t know how it’ll happen, but I’ll do the work. See, if you love me, please tell me now. šŸ„¹

I wish you a great year; I want to see you succeed in your endeavors. Whatever your dreams are, they’re valid. Whatever you want exists. Don’t dare give up. Anytime you feel like quitting, remember if it’s going to be easy, it might not be worth it. The harder it is, the better the result — often. Go for everything you dream of; let nothing stop you. Be the best version of yourself! Let nothing limit you. Let’s have an exciting 2023. 

I love you; I love love you. šŸ™šŸæ

Thank you for reading my content in the last 30 days — gracias.

Again, I love ya.

Started this blog with a selfie, ending it with a selfie. šŸ«”

Bella Ciao.


  1. It’s how you always attach a picture after every write up. I love you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Œ


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