It's not late to start

Welcome to my December blog

Day 28,

Precisely 22nd of December last year, I wrote new seed. I talked about trying something new and different this year, and I also promised 30 days of writing. The goal was to write for 30 days in January, but due to my busy schedule, I couldn’t. February, March, April, May, June — I didn’t write shiiii. Mid-year, it was heavy on me to fulfill my promise, but by then, I was already feeling lazy. 

In between, I still write articles on medium and do other essential things, but I know I’m neglecting one of my primary goals for 2022 — write for 30 days. 

July, August, September, October, and November — I still didn’t write shit. On December 1, a friend read my article (Out of sight — out of mind) and told me that article was written for her. It sparked me up, and I was like here we go, Kenko, let’s do our 30 days of writing this December.

It’s day 28th today; I feel great doing this. My goal for January is what I’m fulfilling in December. 

Here’s what I’m trying to say: That you’re starting late does not equate to failure. 

If there are things you promised yourself in early 2022 and you’re yet to bring them to fruition, it’s never late to start. 

And because you’re starting late does not invalidate its success — that’s it, that’s just it, dearest. Don’t feel bad about starting anything late. Just start. 

Maybe this is the spark you need. *bigGrin

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


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