Don't run it alone

 Welcome to my December blog

Day 27,

Yesterday, I talked about setting goals and building systems to achieve them. Today, I want to go further by saying do not run it alone. 

I was at church as early as 8:00 AM yesterday for church general cleaning; I was the first person to arrive. I started the work till others joined. At first, I was pumped up — doing the cleaning alone, but at a point I got tired.

Because I was pretty tired, someone came to bail me out by requesting I take a break. After a few minutes, my energy was up again, I continued. We were all making turns till we got all the tasks solved. 

Sometimes I want to sit, but because I see others working, I can't. 


Come 2023, there are some tasks you can't achieve alone, find a like-minded and run it together.

When you’re tired, they give you reasons never to give up.

They’re constantly reminding you what needs to be done.

They’re driving you toward your goals.

You’re checking up on each other to be sure you’re on the track

After all, two heads are better than one.

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


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