Build systems

 Welcome to my December blog

Day 26,

A lot has been written about 2023; virtually everyone wants to have a better year. 2023, I want to do this; 2023, I want to achieve that; 2023, I'll get this; 2023, I must be in this position — Great! Aspiring is good; it's good to have visions for next year. Moreover, you need to build a system.

Your goals and aspirations are what you need to achieve. Building a system is the how.

Here's what I'm trying to say: I was with one of my kid sisters yesterday, and I watched her talk passionately about her business dreams for 2023. After listening, I knew she had a great vision, but the How was missing.

Can I further explain using one of my 2023 goals?

Goal (what): to read a minimum of 24 books.

System (how): A year has 12 months. To read 24 books, I must finish two books in a month — one book in two weeks. 

If in two weeks I can't finish a book, I must double it up the following week to meet up the task.


If your goal is to become a millionaire next year, mathematically, you'll save nothing less than N84,000 in a month — nothing less than N21,000 in a week. 

If your goal is to improve your skill, maybe at least 2 hours a day to practice with intensity — or finish 12 courses in a year.

If your goal is to improve your prayer life, how about at least 30 minutes to 1 hour of daily prayer? 

If you're an introvert like me, and you want to change the tides next year — outside once a month.

Let your goals and how to achieve them sit side by side. 

These are my goals for 2023; these are the actions I’ll need to take to achieve them. If I do this, this, and this, I will accomplish this — bella!

To reiterate: Don’t just set goals; build a system and discipline yours to achieve it.

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


  1. Wow this is nice I am definitely sharing this

  2. How much be my salary wey I won save 84k sir


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