Preparation meets opportunity

 Welcome to my December blog

Day 24,

Excerpt from today's Sunday school.

The Pentecost Explosion.

The day of Pentecost is a unique one; this was because it was a day chosen by God to come down and dwell with his people. ( Act 2:1-12)

When they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in diverse tongues, some were mocking, saying they were filled with new wine.

Peter saw this as an opportunity. He came out boldly, lifted his voice, and addressed them. He maximized the chance to preach the gospel and win souls to Christ. 

I'm optimistic; Peter never in any way thought he would be witnessing the gospel to thousands of souls that day. But I'll tell you for sure he has been preparing. 

His prayer life, Personal devotion, and Study of Scripture was maximized when the opportunity came.

Whatever your goals for 2023 are — Prepare.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous new year in advance!

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡

PS: If you read this, text 333 to my WhatsApp! 🫡


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