Learn to say sorry

 Welcome to my December blog

Day 11,

Learn to say sorry.

There are many things I wished I had known earlier; one of them is the word “sorry.”

Often, when I'm at odds with someone, the least I want to do is say sorry. I always seek a way to justify my actions; I frequently get away with them. It boosts my ego and sometimes prevents me from seeing the fault in me. 

Saying sorry does not necessarily mean they're right or you’re wrong. It's sometimes the only needed tool for peace to reign. It's a better way of moving forward.

So many relationships have been destroyed because we fail to say sorry or constantly try to be correct. 

About a year ago, I had a very close friend who ignored me for days; I was baffled as to why — I thought it was right to reciprocate her gestures since I didn’t know what her reasons were, and she didn’t even care to tell me. 

One evening, I called and started the conversation: I’m sorry; I noticed you’ve been ignoring me for days; what have I done? She couldn’t help it cause I apologized for what I knew nothing about. She explained my non-challant attitude towards her. I was too occupied with projects that period, and she needed my attention.

I apologized and made her realize I had so much at hand — it was never intentional. I showed her the projects I was to deliver and how tasking it was. She was unaware of my schedule and apologized in return. 

Now, whenever she needs my attention, and I’m not there, she knows I’m busy. She understands.

A lot of time — Sorry would fix a lot of broken relationships. You don’t have to be right to say sorry. Just say it; it goes a long way. 

If we ever disagree, I'll come back to say “sorry.”

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


  1. A powerful one this night.


    1. Saying sorry fixes a whole lot of things. Thank you for reading.

  2. I like the way ur write up is always short and concise...

    1. Thank you brother.

      I would really love to know who's this, if there's a way you could reach out, please do.

  3. Nice write up as always.
    Saying sorry is an habit I’ve inculcated…
    I don’t understand mama’s picture tho 😂

    1. You’re welcome. Delighted to know you've learned a great habit.

      Mama’s picture is just for the fun of it. 🤣


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