Death is beautiful

Welcome to my December blog

Day 6,

My question is: why are we scared of death when no one is escaping it?

One of my followers tweeted a few days ago, saying: I ponder on my death daily. The replies blew me away. 

Death is a beautiful thing — but we all get scared of it; why?

With the creation of death, the world is in chaos — evil occurrences every second. Have you ever imagined a world without death?

I used to cringe at the mention of death; I no longer do, lol (weird). I was traveling for a party a few days ago and saw a lifeless body on the floor. I thought about it for a few minutes and went about my day. 

Life is a journey; we will stop at our destination.

When you get to your destination, what will be written of you?

The year 2019, I sat down one calm evening, wrote my obituary — a short biography of how I lived, and stories to tell about myself. Writing my obituary clarified who I want to be, my purpose, my passion, and what God created me to be. I wrote things I needed to accomplish, the tales my children would tell about me, and how to go about it. Reading my obituary makes me happy; it’s teaching me how to live a fulfilled life. 

We shouldn’t be scared of death, rather, we should be scared of not fulfilling purpose, not living the life we want to, and not doing the things that make us happy. 

Don’t let death deprive you of living. 

Death should be an inspiration — inspiration to live a purposeful life. So when the time comes, you’re not full of regrets.

Do what makes you happy!

Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones was asked a question, and his response was fascinating.

“How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?"

"In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty," he replied.

I love that for him!

I shared how I want to die with a friend yesterday — I won’t have it otherwise. I’m gonna die a fulfilled man!!! 🤌🏿

Live life! Fulfill purpose!! Let nothing limit you!!!

Cheers to our glorious death. 

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


  1. LOVE IT. the sooner we embrace the inevitable, the easier the passage will be. keep it up, Ken!

    1. Richly said, Anjola, death is inevitable; if so, why not embrace life?

  2. Hmm!
    Death should be an inspiration and not to make us scared.

    1. Exactly my brother; inspiration to live a better life.


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