Saved by a call

 Welcome to my December blog

Day 20,

At about 11:54 PM, I saw an incoming call from a colleague; I almost wanted to ignore it cause I had a troubled mind. I picked it up, and we exchanged greetings.

It was a short conversation; she was on and on about my welfare.

Kenny, how are you?

I know you're on Laptop but have you eaten?

What did you eat, and who cooked it? I know you're too lazy to cook.

You bought the food, right?

How's work?

I hope clients are paying well.

I was answering and grinning because she knew the answer to the questions. Lastly, she said, I precisely called cause I feel you’re lonely and you need someone to check up on you. Well, she was right.

I told her I was very grateful and would return the favor.

After the conversation, I dropped my phone, put it on DND, closed my laptop, and slept off; peacefully.

I woke up a few hours later with fresh ideas for the project I was working on, did a little more research, and submitted it to the brand. They immediately accepted and gave me the approval to continue.

Let me give you the real gist.

That call came in when I was thinking of drafting a termination contract for that project that got approved. The clients have frustrated my life with rejection here and there — I was so livid! Over ten rejections, for fvck sake. I was ready to quit.

But after the call, I felt so happy, so someone, somewhere, thought of checking up on me. Surreal!

There’s a sudden wave of happiness, and I immediately close my laptop to nap. I woke up and…

That call saved my day. 

Check on your friends today; everyone is going through Shege.

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


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