Que Sera Sera

 Welcome to my December blog

Day 21,

A while back, I was going through some hard times. It was very tough for me. Sleepless nights, overthinking, emotional damage … It led to depression. I prayed in the best possible ways, but I felt nothing had changed. My wall was crumbling right before my eyes; I was trying my best to save the moment and not lose myself in it, but all efforts seemed futile.

I reached out to a friend, explained my situation, and asked for advice.

After listening to my plight, she said: Que Sera Sera — What will be will be.

That was all; she didn't say anything further. 

That night, for the first time, I felt peace. God was trying to teach me a lesson with those challenges, but I wasn't ready to learn. I was so focused on moving on without any personal changes.

After she said those words to me, I stopped trying to do anything; I tried not to think about it and kept telling myself, “what will be will be”

When I stopped worrying about my challenges, I began to see my problems and how I needed to solve them. Challenges might be overwhelming, but sometimes the solution is doing nothing and watching it all unfold. In doing nothing, you sometimes get to see clearly.

It's been years after, but I still hold on to that word in certain situations. 

My dear, Que Sera Sera — What Will Be Will Be.

If you enjoyed today’s blog, let me know in the comments section. 🫡


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